Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Running, running, running

It seems like my whole life is running. Running to work, running to practice, games, food shopping. Running to get dinner made, eat together at the table! homework done. Running out of time. Running to get to bed on time, so you can get up to do it all over again.

Who has time to clean, when you are running, running, running. The weekend comes, you take a breath only to run again to get to a tournament, game, rent a movie, 'mom can I have ______ ' (friend over, see movie, go to mall, new shoes, try to cook) and then run to church on Sunday after you run to get your lesson plan done.

Even over holidays I run. Run to LI for precious moments with my family. Run to get to our favorite store, restaurant, church, beach. Hopefully try something new, whether its sightseeing, reading a book, getting to a historical sight.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE all these things but today was a day for no running. We gradually straightened the house while watching Top Chef, Kate made some cupcakes, Jack cleaned his room and invited some friends over. Later Kate is going to volleyball and I have some shopping to do but I AM NOT RUNNING. Today, we are just being, being a family that loves and cares for each other, respects each other and enjoys each other.

Can I capture today and get another one soon?

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