Well, 4 hours and counting. I miss them but I haven't cried. I have so many fears. I wish I didn't do this. I did just clean my kitchen, started some wash and tried to scrub between the wall and the stove.....DISGUSTING! I need to get on my hands and knees to get it half way decent..
I find reading and cleaning keep my mind off missing them. Right now it just feels like they are over a friends how or on a long field trip. I bet it won't feel like that by Tuesday...
Next cleaning ventures, my living room.
I did spend my first hour and half at Starbuck sipping a venti Pike's Peak, black and reading the NY Times,( OK I also snuck a peak at USA Today.)
It was nice because reading kept my mind off missing them.
I plan on finishing my Nelson Demille novel this week and reading Eat, Play, Love. I'm being trendy, sue me!
Here are pictures of the kids and some of the other Berlin crew that went to Camp Cadet.
This is probably the last these guys will be smiling until Saturday at 11am.
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