By the might of His glory you will be endowed with strength needed to stand fast, even to endure joyfully whatever may come.
I'm not sure what bible verse this is. I am not one of those people that walks around with a sign that says, John 16 or whatever that one is that people hold up all the time.
However, a friend of my sister's was recently ordained a Deacon. He was the person who married her in that beautiful ceremony. He friend requested me on FB and I feel honored as he is a great guy, full of incite, wisdom and compassion at his young age. His faith means something to him and he posted this yesterday.
I feel it is something I needed to hear, read, and contemplate, particularly with the children away. It applies to me as well as to them and the physical and emotional things required of them this week.
Today is the last really tough day. Tomorrow they will get to go on a Field Trip to the Armory in Friedens, ground zero of Flight 93, use a radar gun, watch the drug dogs work, go in a helicopter, etc.
Thursday they will get to do the ropes course, rock wall, zip line and repel wall at Outdoor Odyssey. It will be a great day for them. I enjoyed myself when I got to do that and I feel it will be really good for them.
Friday is more physical training and getting ready for graduation.
Saturday at 11am can't come soon enough, but we all will have the strength to get there.
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