Saturday, July 24, 2010

God, Give Me Grace

Camp Cadet is ....tomorrow...'Oh dear God, Give me Grace.' Give THEM Grace and strength, physical and emotional to get through this week. I am going to miss them, it is beyond words what I am feeling. What was I thinking when I encouraged them to sign up?????? What was I thinking?!?!??

7 pairs of black shorts

7 plain white crew neck t shirts

7 pairs of underwear

7 pairs of socks

2 pairs of running shoes

2 towels/wash clothes

Shower shoes

soap shampoo toothbrush/paste

laundry bag

That's it. No books, no money for a whole week. I know they can go without cell phone or video games, but NO BOOKS???? It keeps your mind off...reality. NO BOOKS?

I have been sick to my stomach for a week and it gets worse every day.

God, Give Me Grace.

I did all I could to get them ready. They ran A LOT since May. We missed 2 weeks when we were in NY but otherwise, they ran. I really am proud of them. I can see them getting stronger each time we get out on the track. Jack hates it but he is doing it. Kate has now listed running as one of her favorite activities.....

God, Give Them Grace. Protect them and keep them safe and make this coming week go really fast.

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