I have been reading a variety of books this summer. I got my mom hooked on the Mitford series by Jan Karon and now she is ahead of me in the series. Then she plowed through the quilting series by Jennifer Chiaverini. They are set in PA and a nice read. Meanwhile, I got hooked on finding out more about this movie with Julia Child. I have her book "The Way to Cook" which was 25plus years after Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I remember in early 90's a week of no school because of snow and making french bread as she described and it came out great! (BK-Before Kids!)
When we were in DC they had her kitchen on display and it was really neat to see. Kate asked, "Who is Julia Child?" and I groaned. "The first foodnetwork star??? before there was a foodnetwork" How could I let her watch all that food network and TLC crap and never introduce her to Julia!! I felt as if I had failed as a parent. So of course my teaching mode started. (I think my kids secretly hate this) I had to educate myself first before departing my "wisdom" but I signed up for Netflix that have the PBS series of the French Chef and bought her book, "My life in France" and the book based on the movie. I just finished Julia's book, which is good and am half way through Julie's. If you can get past the sailor language, you will like it. I even found her blog which she started in 2002 and ended it around the time Julie Child died in 2004. I've only read parts of it but it is kind of a cool story, definitely ambitious. I mean really ALL the recipes in that book. when I read her book I want to try some of them though. I get stuck in a rut with my cooking and try to mix it up a bit. oeuf in aspic is way off my mark though. If you don't know what that is.....READ the books. They are a lot of fun, inspiring and will make you hungry for good food.
This is the link to Julie Powell's blog or just google.... julie/julia project
1 comment:
I might have to borrow from your library. I've been hearing about that movie for awhile now, but would really like to read the books and learn a bit about her.
A few years ago, Chad-o and I saw her museum exhibit and were very impressed.
We never stop learning, do we? :)
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