Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Something to Think About

This is an essay my college roommate sent to me. It was written by an 18 year old friend of her daughters who dies unexpectedly. It was her college essay. It was read at her funeral and people were so moved by it, that Kelly got a copy and sent it to us (Immaculata 3rd floor). I wanted to share it with "my readers". It is amazing that an 18 year old would be so...grounded and deep. It gives me a lot to think about as I remember my brother Steven, who died in July 8, 1980. Take care of us Steven and keep me grounded & positive and help me appreciate each and every day I have as the gift that it is.

Elizabeth R Miller 10/05/1990 Our Lady of Lourdes High School

I am not sure I have a favorite day of the week, as every day has its own unique characteristics. Mondays start a new school week, reuniting me with friends and their stories of weekend adventures. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are surprises waiting to happen, and everyone looks forward to Fridays. Saturday is my day to get things done, starting with early morning swim practice and ending with a movie or other fun diversion. But Sunday is a very special day. Well-rested after a good night’s sleep, and with few of the pressures of the school week, I am relaxed. It is on Sunday morning when some of my most in-depth thinking is done…

I have heard many sermons in my seventeen years of going to mass, but on one August Sunday morning, Father Joseph LaMorte’s sermon gave my whole life a different outlook. Father LaMorte’s sermons usually have a very personal perspective, relating everyday events to the lessons of the bible. In this particular sermon, he told a story about his “lasts”; the last time an event would occur in his life, such as his last baseball catch with his dad. He explained that if he had known that it would be his last he would have put more effort and appreciation into it. I could not think of a more fitting sermon to be told to me as a high school student going into my senior year. I have always known that I am supposed to live life to its fullest, but this made me think of it with a greater meaning. As he spoke, thoughts ran through my head about how over the next year I will be swimming in my last meet with the team I have been with for almost a decade, going to my last high school football game with all my friends close, and having my last simple daily conversations with friends, teachers, and family as I have become accustomed. It has helped me value my everyday events so much more. I find myself failing to realize these moments, looking forward to the “bigger” things in life, because my everyday events seem so routine, but in reality these are the things that I am going to have the hardest time leaving behind.

The sermon has stayed with me, and has helped me give each and every person I meet and each event I experience a greater value and appreciation. This thought has helped me to see more of the good in people and helped me focus on their positive attributes. I have learned that optimism is the greatest tool to living a great life. I have noticed that some of the most memorable moments in life occur at ordinary times. Life is too short to look forward to another day even though that day may bring a trip to Florida or a Christmas vacation. The day that I am living in right now can be just as special if I give it a chance. I have learned from my experiences and try to look for ways to take something positive out of everything I do and treat it as an opportunity to make myself a better person.

I am excited and curious about where my life will lead me, but I am going to make sure I meet each day with a positive outlook, appreciate the people I love, and take time to try to make everyday memorable. I will go into every challenge being open-minded and hoping for the best. Every race that I swim and test that I take will be treated as an opportunity to display what I have worked so hard to achieve. God gives us every moment and we owe it to Him to make it special, because only he knows when it will be our last.

…And I still cannot give an answer to my favorite day of the week, but Sunday is definitely a necessity. It gives me guidance for the rest of the week. It lets me realize the great things I am fortunate to have in my life and just how much they mean to me. Sunday teaches me to always follow God’s example and be the best Christian I can be. Sunday sets up each and every week with optimism and excitement for the events that are to come.

need a tissue. I don't know you personally Lizzie, but I know you are watching me read this and I thank you for your words of wisdom.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Beautiful and insightful... It really provides amazing prospective, doesn't it? Wow...I'm speechless. Thank you for sharing.