Friday, July 3, 2009

Bradford Dollhouse-Kate wrote the following comments on the Bradford Dollhouse at the Smithsonian

this photo is from the Smithsonian website

Kate took these photos of the Bradford Dollhouse. It was magnificent. A time when little girls used their imaginations and played with toys.

"This miniature house was designed, decorated, and furnished by Faith Bradford. It is five stories tall with 23 rooms and is built on a scale of one inch to one foot. There are 1,354 miniature specimens in the model. The house contains furniture, linens, toys and other household items. Calling this small house home are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doll, their 10 children, two visiting grandparents, five servants and 20 pets. Also featured is Bradford’s scrapbook, which illustrates her methods in creating the house."

from the Smithsonian Website.

non-identical twins in the playroom

Alice the oldest girl is looking out the window in her room

one of the toddlers in the playroom

this is a close up of one of the twins, I thought it was cool about how the dolls had dolls and they are all so detailed

a miniature barn with cows in it that are in the playroom

this is the kid's bathroom in it is one of the maids and there is a rack to hold towels for when the kids are taking baths

the nanny is getting baby Christopher and Sally ready for bed in the nursery

Mrs. Doll comes into the master bedroom to check on the twins in their crib


andrea johnson said...

this is so stinkin cool kudos katie-did!!

Anonymous said...
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Cathy said...

This is so neat! It makes me want to get out my old doll house. I loved that thing and decorated it for the different holidays.