Monday, July 27, 2009



While in NYC visiting my sibs, the kids and I visited the Cake Boss. Yeah, I probably should have taken them to the Met but that will always be there, right? Buddy will let this TV show get to his head, the bakery will go out of business and be old news next year. Not educational but very fun, fattening and adventurous! Carlo's City Hall Bake Shop is in Hoboken, NJ. Just a 10 minutes train ride from the World Trade Center site. We took the subway from Chris' place in Brooklyn to WTC and then a few blocks walk to the PATH train to NJ. Hoboken is a nice town with views of the city and the shop is located on 95 Washington St (google earth it!)

We were wondering if we would see anyone from the show and all the sisters were working, a niece and MOMMA! She is a riot. Asking people if they liked the show, where they were from, getting her picture taken with customers and tying up pastry boxes. We tried the cannoli, cream puffs, lobster tails (a triangular shaped pastry filled with sweet buttah creme that when baked it curls looking like a lobster tail) and another $17.50 worth of fattening pastries, cupcakes and tarts. The shop has 3 tiny tables and plenty of airconditioning (they can't let the buttahcreme go bad) so we sat down and ate some, hangin around to see if Buddy showed up. (He didn't) Then we went for a nice walk to the river and walked along Frank Sinatra Drive and sat in the park there, looking at NYC and ate some more! Thank goodness I carry wetones with me, still!

It was a fun day.

View from Frank Sinatra Drive, Hoboken, NJ

View of NYC skyline from NJ

OK, we are stalkers and took this picture of the back of the shop. Someone drives an Escalade!!

Jack wants this cake for his Sweet 16! Superhero Cake

Outside the shop!

Da "moron" who dropped da cake down da stairz.

Momma and Mary

Niece and anothah sistah

Kate, Momma and Jack.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I can only imagine how exciting this adventure was! I'm beyond jealous. It's always neat to visit a place you watch on television. Did it seem the same, or was it smaller than it appears?

I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying your time...soak it up! :)