Saturday, June 6, 2009


Jack was not too happy with me this morning at 6:30am when I got him up for a canoe trip with scouts. We couldn't find his hat, he took forever in the shower and was just plain mad at me for signing him up for this canoe trip.

I always worry about him when he goes and now its worse. Chris, Matt, ....I should have had him call you guys. You always make him feel better about going.

The trip should be fun, but he was in such a bad mood....and he is never in a bad mood (it's usually the girl)

Think of me this weekend but more importantly, think if Jack. I guess this will be one of those things he tells his therapist about.

plus, the air conditioning in my car isn't working


andrea johnson said...

I;m sure he will enjoy the coneing but maybe not the company :) plus...getting up at 6:30 is NEVER fun...

willbe thinking of him when I get up at 6 tomorrow wash cars with surly teenagers... ac is broken too..the worst...when I open the windows stuff goes flying everywhere adn my hair whips in my face :(

Maria said...

I'm just worried that I am hurting the engine. The car smells funny after I run it.

Chris said...

Hey maria, you should get the ac checked out. It might just need a charge--this can cost maybe $100 or so but it could be worth it.