Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Thanks Cathy for the great book suggestion!!!

The Block Party is in town, carni-folk everywhere and having a "hamburg" is essential. Why am I so sarcastic and negative about this Berlin Fireman's Annual Event that not only brings alumni but every rugrat, out of every crevice and rock out there. Most people don't even live around here that go to it. My goal this year is to not set foot on the lot. J & K went over to get themselves dinner and get a goldfish. Sometimes it is nice having older kids that can look out for each other.

It started Sunday morning as Kate and I left for church. The folded up rides with years of grime and dirty, dilapidated campers started pulling up. If these things aren't carrying some rare disease, untreatable by any medicine known to man, it's a miracle. Each family that lives in one of these, has a combined - one set of teeth. The poor kids that travel in these.

Cathy K - your book talked about Pakistan not spending a dollar a day on education for their children-well they have nothing over the parents that raise their kids at the carni. We need to set up tutoring for them.

Annie- car wash for Stubenville? those youth should be spending their money and time trying to reach these people and make them educate their children!

Chris- we could donate boxes of books from 250 Shade Tree Lane and left overs from your library. Jack could do it for an Eagle Scout project and NJHS community service. Your pretentious neighbors could not even comprehend that this element lives in America.

The paradox of this town is the sound of Church bells at 9pm being drowned out by the screams on the cheap rides at the block party.

Enjoy the picturesque view from my front porch. I took these as I was enjoying the second Mitford book. Thank you Cathy and Jan Karon for giving me some peace.


Town Ambulance


View of the Carni

Carni Trailer

One of the Rides


Cathy said...

Good Morning! I love days like this...sunny and warm...perfect for a glass of iced tea and a book on the porch.

I'm so glad you like the Jan Karon series. I'm hooked, and honestly, really want to live in that sweet town of Mitford. It just sounds so calm, peaceful, and full of love.

Ahh...the carnies. Interesting creatures, aren't they? I was driving by on Thursday after summer school and observed two of them, fully engaged, in a "roll on the ground" fight. It was disturbing, to say the least. I often wonder, if I had children, would I allow them to ride rides that we set up by people who seem so irresponsible? eeekkk....just gives me the creeps!

I hope your day is wonderful. Enjoy the sunshine :)

Trista said...

Hello, Friend. Guess what?? We succeeded this year in not setting one foot in the block party. And guess what else. The kids didn't complain once. It's not so much that I have anything against the block party itself - it just seems to get muddier, grimier and smokier every year. We had so many other good things to do last week - thank heavens. I'll gladly donate my money to the firemen straight up!