Sunday, June 7, 2009


I don't know what I'll do if Kate ever decides to go camping for a week. I can barely handle Jack going and when she is ready to go.....they will have to commit me.

I missed him terribly this time. He was really mad at me and hardly said good-bye. I practically crushed him when he walked in the house, made some of his favorite foods and bought his choice of chips.

I feel like crying right now, mostly from relief that he is back and safe and in one piece and he doesn't hate me, I think.

Kate is following him around telling him everything. She is even talking to him as he takes his shower.

I missed that boy.

Pray for me.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Prayers are coming your way! I'm glad he made it home, safe and sound.

Your tone cracks me up. I can just hear you talking as I read your posts!
