Thursday, June 18, 2009


Happy Birthday to my son Jack!

I wrote about Kate two months ago and what her birthday reminds me of. The struggles and strength I found in her little eyes. Well here goes my memories of that first year with Jack.

Kate saved my life, but Jack opened the door. Everything I thought I ever wanted or needed seemed meaningless after I had him. He was/is everything. I made life long friends that school year I was off with him and reconnected with lost friends from college and high school. He was such a joy, always so happy and smiling ALL the TIME. And laughing and cooing and talking at 3 weeks, incredible. He slept, napped and nursed like a trooper. He was always so happy, it was contagious and he is still the same way. Even when he started school at Berlin, the parents of his friends became my friends. My circle of support widened and was stronger than ever. He has the most easy going personality and its fun as he gets older. We enjoy so many of the same things in books, TV, games, sports. He keeps me grounded and sane. He is good to his sister and always so funny.

The other day they saw how upset I was about work and I said well when will you be done with college, (Kate about 10 years) In ten years I'll only be 55 and can't retire. That is when they started talking about where they will be in 10 years. Kate-in Virginia or somewhere it is warm. Then Jack said as he stroked his chin, "Hmmm, in 10 years I'll be 24 and on my first wife."

He is quite a character and a joy to be around. Thanks to everyone who loves him and sees his specialness. I am truly blessed to have him in my life.


cathy said...

...first wife-- hilarious comment! You are lucky, but so are they. I hope you enjoyed the day-- birthdays really are the best! Have any cake??

andrea johnson said...

I love my Jack :) I can't believe he is 14!!!!!!!

so excited to see you guys this summer.

and hearts <3 <3 <3

Trista said...

Jack is awesome!! Our little guys are growing up. Hard to believe. What great kids you have - and they have a great mom.

Chris said...

Happy Birthday Jack!