Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reading Competition and Journalism

It is no wonder my kids are readers. I started reading to Jack when he was in the womb...Dr. Seuss. Then Kate heard everything I read to him. Sometimes I hate having to sign book logs and agendas because we love to read at our house. I don't read magazines or papers much but 250 Shade Tree Lane has oodles to choose from...NY Daily News, NY Post, Long Island Newsday, Sports Illustrated, History Channel magazine, Catholic Digest, Riverhead News Review, Long Island Catholic.....Also, every Mary Higgins Clark novel and every John Grisham. My dad also has a collection of classics so "the kids have something to read." Clips from Bennington Banner (my brother's Vermont paper), there are books there from when I was a kid. Old battered collections of Tolkien and waterwarped Nancy Drew. (Those are Annie's, I took mine...too precious to leave behind.)

If you "borrow" one of these treasures, they are missed...."Did you see my American Spectator? It was right here." In reference to a pile of newspaper clippings, store flyers, catalogs and crossword puzzles. It is crazy but fun. Piles move from one side of the room to the other, much like my desk at work...put I know it's there..most times.

Back to reading competition. They competed and didn't do horribly even though they didn't win as a team there were some personal victories. Kate answered two questions to books she hadn't read because of common sense and a memory like a steel trap. (Mrs. D..... actually taught us something last year about what Jim Crow laws are) Jack got two more boys to join and had fun. Last year he was the only boy in the fall competition. He also answered some common sense questions...of course.

Journalism...these kids are great. The 6th and 8th grade boys love writing about sports...get a hook, right?? The 8th grade girls are sweet and smart. Always with a variety to write about. Kate writes what ever I ask and I can see why her teachers like her. She is focused, hard working and not silly. Some new girls joined and they are silly, annoying and rude to each other. They got the Murphy lecture today about "snipping at each other." "I can't and won't take it, if it continues, you are off. " They can't even write a Hiaku poem without being rude to each other. It's draining. My 7th graders are great. Focused and smart. They like writing about different stuff. Adds variety to the paper. Except for those new girls, everyone is respectful to each other and will read other people's stories. This is my only break in the day from craziness, so I try to enjoy it.

As I write this Kate is asking Jack questions for his History test tomorrow and they are being nice to each other!!! Such a blessing. Also, Kate is going to play the piano for the Christmas concert. She has not played since May and I nver signed her up to take them again this fall. Why she signed up to play before the concert is beyond me but I am thrilled. Looking forward to Friday night.


Chris said...

You can't keep those Murphy kids down!

Maria said...

Thanks Chris...I hope we can see you over Christmas and you are not too busy moving to "Park Slope" you soon to be yuppie!

Chris said...

yuppies don't work in libraries