Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cookies and More

Well, there is another Murphy who is ill. The doctor put him on antibiotic today. I hope he gets better soon. He is such a good patient, he makes things so easy. He sees how hard I try and appreciates everything. A very good soul.

Kate and I baked cookies last evening. After an initial argument, we were good together. At one point before we started, she would not help me set up and was rude. I finally said, "Just give me the middle finger and get it over with." I don't think she got what that meant, she just knew it was hateful. I was wrong for saying it. I try to keep my patience. It seems that the more I try to be patient, the more she attempts to manipulate and then I snap. She cried and sulked for about 15 minutes and rejoined me with a new attitude and we were fine. She just would not comply initially. I don't know if this is better or not, but two of my friends at school are having trouble with their daughters and they are younger than Kate!! Kate was always more challenging (stubborn, tough, single minded) but never this bad, consistently. I feel like it is a battle and if I give in, I'm telling her that her behavior is acceptable and it is not.

I think I said this in an earlier blog, but I am glad I see her with other kids. She is phenomenal like her teachers tell me. She is focused, attentive and serious. She is not rude or demanding or challenging. She does what she is told with a smile on her face.

Well, our cookies came out great. She put them on Steeler platters that she picked up and decorated with ribbons and a bow.

I really appreciate the wonderful people we have in our lives and the connection my kids have made with the sixth grade teachers. Though Jack is older, he talks to them every day and looks up to them. They are wonderful role models for him. and for Kate too. Only for them would I slave three hours baking four different kinds of cookies and buy pretty things from bath and body works.

Two school day left until Christmas vacation. I hope we are all healthy for the trip to see family.

1 comment:

cathy said...

Hello, Hello!

I'm glad your vacation is going well! It's hard to believe that on Monday it's back into the same old routine again. Actually I'm going to the school now to do some work.

Kudos for not caving and buying the gaming system. I hate that stuff and wish more people would say no to junk like that. YAY FOR YOU!!!

Enjoy the last couple days of vacation....oh, and by the way, "New Moon" was amazing :)

Happy 2009!