Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thankful for So Much

OK...sorry I haven't blogged in a while...I actually had two in November that I deleted because they were crazy...Kate had been sick and I wasn't haven't my best parenting moments.

She is all better and sweet again...oh don't get me wrong...we have our last week when I was worried about her hives (again) and then accidentally woke her up in the middle of the night to check on say she was perturbed at the disturbance is an understatement. was wonderful....Chris and Krissy were there and Annie! Krissy feels like a sister, so easy to get along with and fun and relaxing to be with. Chris (my dear brother and her husband) continues to be sensitive but sarcastic. I love his blog! His buddy Scott stopped by... a fellow Eagle Scout...which was great for Jack to see and hear their stories.My kids love those two.... and sweet sister. So giving of her time at the church and trying to get me into reading Twilight, which I am honestly trying to do in between reading the latest Mary Higgins Clark....predictable but always fun.

We played some fun family games. Jack, my cousin Shawn and I came from behind to ALMOST win Cranium... Kate, Annie and Krissy were our noble opponents....the fun ones are the drawings, puppets and watchng Kate figure out the song beign hummed. She gets so intense. Two nights we played Apples to Apples and Kate and Chris split. I like that because even my mom and aunt will play too.

Thanksgiving day itself was fun....Annie and I actually did most of the cooking of veggies, Kate made two apple and one pumpkin pie and Jack made homemade cranberry sauce and acorn squash.

As a family we made homemade ravioli as a tribute to my Grandmother who has been in heaven since 2000. They were...I have to admit...delicious!!!!! we are going to make more over Christmas and if I get time, this weekend.

I completed tons of shopping and hit all my favorites, Target, Best Buy, Borders, Coldwater Creek and more...even the grocery stores in NY are bigger and better....I could never afford to live is so expensive.

We did not get into the city because Kate was getting over pnuemonia and I didn't want to have a set back. We will definitely go in over Christmas. I want to see the tree and go to the Top of the Rock.

Oh and now that they can both swallow pills, I gave them dramamine. I had to keep looking to see if they were breathing they were so knocked out. But no car sickness which was a blessing.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I just wanna say that I am not at all sarcastic.