Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sick Days

Kate and I have been sick most of this week and now Jack has it too. So much for lysol on every door handle and washing all the bedding and drinking out of papercups.

Being off these few days with Kate...has actually been nice. Am I allowed to say that about being sick and coughing, sneezing, hacking, wheezing and missing work?? (Hell, I've been working from home. Writing IEP's and calling parents for meetings.) I haven't felt like cooking but we drink peppermint tea with honey, and eat toast and sip chicken broth with little Pastina in it.

Cool Things About Kate

1)She likes to watch the Today Show :)
2) She hates The View
3)She takes her school work, VERY seriously
(I think I know EVERY county in PA now)
4)She is reading New Moon and she doesn't like Bella either
5)She begged to get Facebook
6)She has been on FB about a total of 1/2 hr in the 4 days she has been off sick
7) She still looks 12 in her fleece pajamas
8) She loves Jerry Stiller on King of Queens
9) She can now swallow antibiotics!
10) She watched Melissa Gilbert as Anne Frank on the Family channel

I couldn't watch Anne Frank...but tried..I know how it ends :(
I read the book at her age....I might get her to read it after she is done w/ New Moon!

Stay Healthy
Use your Lysol

One More: She thinks it is a Pepper rally not Pep rally, too cute

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