UGH!! Last week I thought I was so clever, changing the handle on the toilet...Well the seat is much more difficult, especially in a bathroom made for midgits!
The stupid screw and bolt kept twisting around together and would not loosen. I pulled an old butter knife out of the drawer and was able to finally loosened them (with my face practically in the toilet!!) and yanked that old seat off.
Now for the new seat...the nut and bolt still turn as one and the toilet is so close to the tub, it was hard to hold the bolt in place and turn the screw and/or hold the screw and turn the bolt. I finally got the new seat on after much obscenities. (My children stayed away....far away)
I'd take a picture, but I doubt you want to see my sad little bathroom, with the white toilet and blue cushioned seat. My other "fix-it" attempt was to reattach molding on the floor to the tub with...get this...Mighty Putty" PLEASE if you use this have a well ventilated area! It smells terrible and didn't work so well. Of course, I tried to do that BEFORE I got the toilet seat off, so it added to my frustration, smelling those fumes while using a butter knife to loosen those big plastic screws. I still have a head ache.
Take care.
Have a good week! :)
1 comment:
ugh...I give you credit. As I said before, I'd have called someone else to come do it!
I'm getting ready for a dinner of tacos followed by a night of knitting. Hope the Murphy crew is back to tip-top shape :)
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