Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Great Things About J and K


1) Cleaned the deck this weekend without being asked.
2) Apologized and hugged me when she said something mean, without being asked.
3)loves riding her bike
4) gave me a foot massage
5) let me give her a facial
6) watches chick flicks with me
7)has great friends, who have great parents
8) is sweet and beautiful
9)smart and hardworking
10) she is responsible


1) vacuumed without complaining after I asked
2) remembers how to ride his bike
3) hates math but does it anyway
4) loves every other subject
5) always comes up with good comebacks- a real smart a**. (kids made comments at his recent camping the only Catholic in his troop kids made remarks about the long mass - protestant service was 10 minutes- Jack responded with "I just love God more" and "Well, we get dinner and a movie)
6)Has great friends with great parents
7) still tells me everything, like he did at age 4
8) patient with his sister
9) loves that toad (Skippy McHopster) and turtle (Van Gogh:the 5th ninja turtle Jan 09- March 09) and Van Gogh Doppleganger (May 09-?) I hope I am taking care of them when he is in college.
10) still is sticking with scouts-has the finest character of any 7th grader I know.


Chris said...

"I just love God more"--beautiful!

Trista said...

I think Jack and Kate are awesome, too. They are great kids which is a real tribute to you, Maria. As Mother's Day approaches take that as your most precious gift - you have raised wonderful children.

andrea johnson said...

I would never EVER have cleaned off our back porch without threat of death!!! haha Kudos to Kate on that one! :)

Gotta love those upstanding Murphy kids <3

Cathy said...

great kids = great mama!