Friday, May 1, 2009

Friendship and Good Decisions

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

~Roy Disney

Jack got to spend the evening with some friends. It's nice because most of the boys there he has been friends with since Kindergarten. They are from good families and I know their parents and I am friends with them too. It's nice to see boys go to a boys party, roast hot dogs, make smores and enjoy football, trampoline and other boy stuff. (Some kids in Jack's grade are already going to boy/girl parties and movie nights) What are these parents thinking?? It's going to happen soon enough on its own, why invite it into your house????

I wish our school had an after-prom. Many schools do it with a lockdown in a gym and games all night long. We have many teachers at our school that care enough for the kids, that I think we could get chaperones. We talk about it but no one seems to what to carry the ball. No instead, we have parents hosting co-ed camping at their homes. Too much temptation and parents are foolishly trusting.

On the other hand I have some great examples of smart parenting and good decision making:

Trista has to be the best mom ever! She does not give into society's pressures and her kids appreciate the decisions she makes as a parent. Her daughter has a curfew for prom and is able to openly talk to her about things going on with her classmates. I am working to be that kind of mom to my soon to be teenagers.

Katrina: Her daughter held a non-drinking party after graduation last year. Only about a 1/2 dozen kids went. Trista's son was one of them. Way to go!!!

Roni Sue: her daughter was the only other girl at that non-drinking party.

There are probably more of us out there. I keep hoping and praying I stay on the right track with my kids and that they make good decisions like these kids have.


Trista said...

Maria, you are too kind. I'm so glad you're my friend. Yep, we parents have to stick together and stand strong with our kids. If we are clear about our values they DO get it! They'll make mistakes, like we do, but they're smart. It can be a tough world out there, but it's so nice to have great friends like you to be strong with. We love you guys!

andrea johnson said...

You should definitely get something going with the school and maybe get the churches involved too. Its soo important...

We have 2 overnight lock-ins at the church each year and parents help out and also every year I help out at the high school with some of the adults from churches all over town as well as concerned parents with operation 'Safe Grad' in the gym... and every year we get at least 150 kids...
(200 in the graduating class so its pretty good)
There will always be the kids and parents that make bad choices..

thank goodness for moms like you !!! :)

Here is a national program that works with community leaders, teachers, youth ministers etc to provide 'go to' people and places for kids and teens to be safe:

We had a meeting of all the churches and the community center in town with Clinton Child and Family Services to work on getting more inforamtion out there for parents...

its government sponsored and free :)!!!

so glad you have good friends and Jack and Kate have good peers :)

Love you

Cathy said...

Ok, so I totally love your idea and think we should shart planning. Let's take the reins and set something up for these kids--I bet we could make it work. I'd stay all night, so long as the coffee is strong!