Wednesday, March 25, 2009

To Facebook or Not to Facebook

My brother Chris recently closed his facebook account. I swore I would never, EVER, have one!!! SO what did I do last weekend, open a facebook account.

I made "friends" with Annie first, which linked me to my nieces, Chelsea and Veronica. I was happy to be "talking" to them again but by the end of the weekend I was so sad. My brother Mike is not well and doesn't talk to my folks and I haven't seen him or his family in 11 years. My younger sibs have gotten in touch with him over the years. I email him now and again but it can be so painful I stop after awhile. getting in touch with his kids just reminded me how much my kids and I were missing. I don't think I could handle opening them, or myself up to visiting him and being disappointed...again. They live in Missouri now so a visit would be a very long trip with unknown results? Jack and Kate already miss their NC cousins terribly. To have another set that they would have fun with and then not see for another 11 years...why expose yourself to that?? (See I am talking myself out of it)

On another note: I joined a St. John's elementary school and there were pictures posted from some kids (they are 40+ now) who went to school with my brother Steven. They had been commenting about him and it was so cool to know how much people care after all these years. Seeing them and hearing their stories has been great. I will be sharing their stories and pics over my next few posts. It has been sad but wonderful. Half of my facebook friends are kids that Steven went to school with.

My brother Steven is the boy on the right, holding up the number one! He was the coolest.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hello! I'm taking a Facebook break and enjoying some blog reading time...haha...kidding.

It really is a sick addiction, though. I honestly tried to avoid it, but was eventually sucked in. It is a great way to keep in touch and stay connected with those we care about. I love looking at everyone's photos.

Enjoy the madness! :)