Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Family Conversations

We have some insightful conversations at our dinner table, car rides, doing dishes, etc. I find myself not listening sometimes and feel guilty because what they have to say is important and some day, in the not so distant future, they will be away at school and I'll be...alone.

Anyway, sometimes I will pose a silly question, just to see what they think. Like, "who is your favorite Simpson character: Bart. (They live vicariously through him.) Who do you dislike the most: Marge "She's smart but she stays with Homer even though he is a bad parent/husband/alcoholic".....interesting thought children...I guess (hope) in their minds I have earned points for leaving their dad.

They are developing a healthier attitude towards alcohol. And not that I ever want them to drink but as little children, (5 & 6) they would get visibly upset if they saw it...I got a Christmas gift once ..a bottle of wine from our Superintendent..and the comment was made "That's not any kind of present! Why would someone give you that." Then the other day we got a promo card in the mail for a 'Murphy's Pub' I almost bought some until I saw the mug of beer on it and said they couldn't wear them to school. Comment: "Kids wear Hooters T-shirts and that's worse" True oh so true my little cherubs. Only 11 and 13 and they know the reference to Hooters on a t-shirt. We didn't buy them.

Kate took a career interest test and came out being an interior designer, Jack was a cop last year. The Moon project is completed after about 20 plus hours of work. In two weeks it's the state exams and some pressure will be relieved! If you don't watch the Simpsons, you missed a good one Sunday night. Springfield Elementary was getting ready for the VPAT's (Vice Presidential Aptitude Tests) as part of "No Child Left Alone" act and "how well you do on these will determine how much federal money this school gets" It was so appropriate for this time of year. I hate that so much rides on those exams. It is frustrating.

Hope you have a great weekend! Tomorrow is Friday and our Life Skills class is selling Starbucks coffee!! Yum!


andrea johnson said...

This blog is pretty amazing...a couple of things...

You ROCK adn they know it...

It is nice how they are growing in perspective becuase now I don't have to hide my one glass of wine per year in a mug...cuz that really made me feel wierd LOL...jk... but Its good that they see things that way...they are growing up SOOO STINKING FAST

and lastly...you will never ever ever be alone...EVER...

We will move in together and be old spinster cat ladies :)

and I love you

and I'm done

andrea johnson said...

why do I ALWAYS write adn and teh...instead of and and the...it makes me look like such an idiot...grrrr...

as Fredo would say,

"I'm smart! I'm not dumb!! Like everybody thinks!!!"

Maria said...

Let's be known as the "book ladies" and have lots of books and people come and visit us and borrow our books!

Maria said...

Plus ... you write adn and hte because you have a head full of great thoughts that you are trying to get out. Your fingers can't keep up with that magnificent mind of yours!

Cathy said...

I love this entry.

I think it would be fun to be a fly on the wall and listen to all that the kids have to say. I'm sure I'd learn a lot!

Also, I'm all about you being a "book lady." I'd be thrilled to come and hang out with you and score some excellent reading material :)

Happy Sunday!