Actually it has been a fantastic two days. Yesterday morning I had to go to Pittsburgh and though the training left me overwhelmed, I got to spend it with Teresa, who is a wonderful teacher, extremely patient, intelligent and driven. I admire her a great deal. I also had her daughter in Sunday school a few years ago and she was the sweetest little thing. I find I love my friends kids as much as I love my friends.
When I got back to work, I found a surprise in my office. My dear friend and blogger Cathy K left me a gift of a beautiful scarf she had been knitting. It is so pretty, the colors match so well and I feel selfish keeping it. Thank you Cathy, not just for the scarf but the gift of your friendship.
We had planned to go to the movies with the tickets Linda gave me but we got a call from friends of ours and they invited us to go snow tubing at their farm. Jack and Kate had a great time, despite the bitter cold and wind. I helped make hot cocoa, staying out of the wind! We were there all afternoon and it took me most of the evening to warm up. It was totally worth it. It was a church gathering and everyone is so friendly. It was nice just to chat about everyday stuff and hear people who are committed to their faith. Our church doesn't have many gatherings beyond cake on the Sunday after graduation and the occasional pot luck.
Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. Though the Giants disappointed us, we will probably watch it though I won't stay up until its over like last year.
We are a truly blessed family!
Everyone that reads this, please pray for my friend Laura's (Cooch) son, Nick. He had surgery this morning to remove a tumor that is at the base of his tongue. They are not sure what type of lymphoma he has and the doctors have not seen a tumor typically located there. He is only 18 and a freshman in college. Pray, Pray, Pray!
We always love to have your family over. Steve just said tonight, "We have got to have Maria and the kids over for dinner!" He is so right! I'll be calling you very soon. And hopefully, we'll get another day with beautiful, soft, fluffy snow rather than this crusty, hard stuff to go tubing again.
I love your blog and the way you write. I am so boring. I have realized that I am a terrible writer. I am a very simple person who usually doesn't say too much and you can tell that in my writing, but I guess that's OK.
So, have a great remainder of a weekend.
Hello, Hello!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the scarf. I love giving things to people who appreciate them, and pitty me enough to support my crazy creations :)
I finished a new project tonight and also finished the book Breaking Dawn. I'll bring it in for you. I think you'll be pleased with the ending.
Also, I love the pictures of the sunsets... They almost allow me to escape to a calm and peaceful place.
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