Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cartoon Dinner

Early Dismissal today....it was a crazy 4.5 hours while I was there! Our principal is nuts and announced the 11:30 dismissal at 9:13...

I finally got home at 12:30 and we just relaxed and I made a nice dinner, as there was time...I even made homemade mashed potatoes...(usually Hungry Jack helps me out like Aunt Jemima does with Weekend pancakes!) Our cartoon dinner requires 1 portion brown meat, 1 green vegetable (peas) and 1 white food-mashed potatoes.

You would have thought I slaved all day...I quote, "Is this your new year's resolution to make our favorite foods all the time?" They were too cute...it's funny how making their favorite foods gives me joy as much as they have joy eating it. I am no gourmet but I am not bad, and the clean plates, no leftovers tells me I did well. I also made some homemade bread, it just made the house smell great.

We read some and watched some TV. I finished three books over break, Twilight, Cross (Patterson) and Dashing Through the Snow (Mary Higgins Clarke..I should be embarrassed to say. I got a book for myself over Christmas, a collection of Short stories by Damon Runyon. He wrote the stories about the various characters he invented that appear in the play, Guys and Dolls. (Our school is doing it this spring)

Kate should be a librarian. She found a beautiful book at Borders over Christmas called the Doll House people, (she still loves playing with hers) and its the 3rd in a series. When I mentioned it to our wonderful librarian, Linda, she had just gotten a new batch of books and has the first two of the series in that batch! Jack spent his Borders gift card on two Agatha Christie novels. He is in the middle of a Brian Jacques novel...I wish I could get into those but its hard to keep track of all those little creatures.

If there is a delay tomorrow, I may start taking down the tree....or just sleep late and get in a short story!


andrea johnson said...

sounds like a great day...we had a crazy ice storm today, no school, and a mssing child a block from the churc for almost 24 hours with an amber alert (they just found him safe and sound 30 minutes ago praise God!)...and I left my scraper in NY...fun fun times...I am hoping to relax a little tonite but that woudl mean ditching my girlfriends' for prayer group... but gradschool starts next week and I'll be out from 9am until after 10pm every Wednesday from now until May... I haven't been home from work before dark since July...I wish I was making Minestrone in your kitchen....

Cathy said...

Don't you just love early dismissals? I find them so thrilling. There's something so exciting about an unexpected afternoon of freedom!

Thank you for all of your kind words on my blog. You're sweetness makes me smile and encourages me to keep on writing and taking pictures.

Have you heard the wind out there tonight? Insane! I feel bad for all the animals that live in trees...haha!

I hope your night is cozy and relaxing and that you had another dinner as yummy as last nights.


Chris said...

You are too a gourmet! Don't misunderestimate yourself.