Monday, February 14, 2011


This past weekend, Jack's scout troop hosted the Klondike Derby at the Grove. I was worried about finding parking but the leaders are good and plowed out there and fires were going and even though there was no running water, we were able to make some ham and bean soup, hot chocolate and coffee. I bout about 4 gallons of water and after washing the pots at home, filled them with water and brought them back...we were able to have the basics.

The boys were broken in patrols and went to various stations demonstrating their skills in fire building, first aide, wilderness rescue, team work on an obstacle course, ice rescue and a tomohawk throw. There was also a sled race around the little league field. They finished the day just as the drizzle started and made it back to the scout hall in the pouring rain. The Big Stags Patrol from our Troop came in 1st and jack's Badger Patrol came in 4th. The Big Stags came in 2nd in the race getting beat out by a team from Confluence, I think. It was a great day. Here are some pictures from it.

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