Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thankful Things

Now that the holidays are over, I need to review all those things I am thankful for. Little moments over the past week that I got to enjoy as well as some bigger things that I have reflected on over the past year:

Little Things

watching Kate open her 'Pillow Pet'

Watching my brothers open the t-shirts Jack picked out for them

spending time with Krissy and the kids in the city

Seeing Matt at his swanky Park Avenue Office

texting Kathy every chance we got

watching Jack text his cousins

taking the car to the train to the subway and hiking through slush to get to the Met for the very first time

Watching Annie help Jack with his Spanish HW (yes 50 pt assignment over break)
(at first I was annoyed by this, but God helps me find the good in it and that was seeing how amazing Annie is at Spanish!)

Watching 'Monk' with Mom and Dad
getting a teapot and picture travel mug from the kids

seeing Jack read the plaques under Monet's paintings at the Met as intensely as he reads his comic books
watching Kate draw and imagine and dream

Bigger Things

thankful for my healthy children

spending time with our new-found cousins "The Warms"

looking at the empathy and perseverence my children display with our little friend with Autism

seeing that same compassion in my brothers

Trying to look at a child with a problem not as 'what if my kid were in that room' but instead 'what if my child suffered like that' and growing in empathy and patience

Thankful for the friends and family that helped bring me to where I am today and hoping I add as much to their lives as they have added to mine.

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