Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunny with a chance for Cooking!

Me and my friends at the Sunny Anderson benefit at Hidden Valley
I have not blogged in a while. Much has been going on at work and home....too much to get into. We did have a good weekend though. Yesterday we shopped and made 3 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We went to a friend's house and wrapped them. They don't give gifts with the family at Christmas, they have a party and make Christmas boxes instead. It was really wonderful and though Jack was the oldest kid there, both kids had a good time and it was nice doing something for others. We have so much to be thankful for.

Today Kate and I went to Hidden Valley, the local ski resort, and saw Sunny Anderson. Her dad is a radiologist at the local hospital and she came to do a food demo for the Hospital's foundation. She told some different stories than NYC when we saw her, but was still just as entertaining. She remembered us from last month, ( I read and follow her blog and comment on it as well) She is so friendly, kind and funny! Her story is inspirational. She got all her cool jobs from hard work, not who she knows.

Ina was always my favorite but Sunny has taken over as #1 for me. Here are some pictures from out afternoon.

Sunny with her Parents

1 comment:

Cathy said...

What a neat event to be a part of! She's so cool and I love her purple shirt :)