Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cooking with Kate

So it's fall and time for some new recipes. Last year I tried a different soup every Sunday afternoon. Today Kate wanted to make Meatloaf after she saw Ina make it. The recipe is in the link above.

I didn't have parchment paper, so it looks really greasy, not like Ina's. I took a picture but I can't post it because it looks gross. It does smell quite good though, so hopefully it will also taste OK. (update: all the meatloaf is gone, finally I can make an American staple)

Kate had a volleyball tournament yesterday and it is fun to see her play. Erase that, it is nerve racking watching her play ( I can't ask for anything for over a month because I find myself sick to my stomach, praying every time she gets on the court) but I love seeing her face when she gets a good hit and how happy she is with her teammates.

Jack is helping her now with her Algebra. It is good for his confidence and he is patient. She is a tough pupil. Erase that, "stop that" "what" "she is making noises" "No I'm not" But it's all good. I think the Gontis' are stealing him from me. He spent most of his waking hours with them yesterday and went over for another 3 today. :)

Here is a picture of them from the first day of school.

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