Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer 2010

I may still be working but the kids are enjoying their first official day of vacation. They ate candy for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and I made pizza for dinner. They skyped with their cousins and then played Wii with them over the internet.

Then in preparation for Camp Cadet we hiked out to the school (OK sue me...I DROVE) but we did 2 miles. They walked a lap and ran a lap. I mostly walked but the last lap....I RAN THE WHOLE 400!!! I will most likely be downing the Advil tomorrow but I was shocked I had that stamina in me.

They will be fine at Camp Cadet...after we were finished they ran up the hill to the car. They could have ran the whole 2 miles.

Tomorrow, pushups and situps. Also-Kate has a baby sitting job and Jack has the same kids on Thursday. I thought I would break it up so they don't get sick of each other.

Summer academics:

We will continue our Latin lessons, plus we are reading "The Little Prince". It is loaded with themes and symbolism and great quotes and insights. I read it in 8th grade and Heaven Forbid if they were made to read a challenging novel in school or worse yet, given a summer reading list, so I do my own.

Tomorrow after work we are also going to the library to get some Tom Clancy for Jack plus a book on CD for our travels. Kate has some Beverly Cleary to read for the summer.

Jack turns 15 on Friday, so he is having some friends over after I am done with work. I know, 15!

All this in one week as next week I have a conference in hershey and then onto NY for my sister's wedding!!!

Made some good CD's of music mixes for the trip. and listening to it now.....almost midnight. Up in 6 hours. Sigh.

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