I am so thrilled. It is such a wonderful opportunity for him and he will learn and grow so much. The coolest thing.. the age range is 13-15 so guess what other child with the last name Murphy is going?
I am so thrilled for her. She asked about it last night and she even cried a little (they give drills and yell a lot at you) because she was afraid of that. Both kids will be getting up at 6am, running 2 miles, doing push-ups, etc. They will also get to see ground zero of Flight 93, a SWAT team, helicopters, a drug dog sniffing, conduct a forensic investigation, gain CPR certification, and do the repel wall, zip line and ropes courses at Outdoor Odyssey.
So, if you are free the week of July 25th - 31st...so am I. I don't know what I will do!? I know I have to clean, maybe clean out that extra room and create that library I always wanted. Exercise. Clean my office at work. exercise, clean out clothes that don't fit, exercise, afternoon matinees, exercise.
Make a great dinner for when they come home, exercise.
Watch a lot of 24 reruns too!! exercise
Dinner with friends?!? So many things to do. exercise
I will miss them horribly, terribly, miserably...but I am so proud of what they will be doing.
call me!
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