Thursday, April 22, 2010

Camp Cadet

Jack was asked to go to Camp Cadet this year and after much pleading, coercing, cajoling, convincing and even bribing (yes bribing) he decided to go. Much thanks to my Berlin family consisting of Keith, Mark & Roni Sue with my college buddy Cooch, chiming in....HE'S GOING!!!

I am so thrilled. It is such a wonderful opportunity for him and he will learn and grow so much. The coolest thing.. the age range is 13-15 so guess what other child with the last name Murphy is going? 


I am so thrilled for her. She asked about it last night and she even cried a little (they give drills and yell a lot at you) because she was afraid of that. Both kids will be getting up at 6am, running 2 miles, doing push-ups, etc. They will also get to see ground zero of Flight 93, a SWAT team, helicopters, a drug dog sniffing, conduct a forensic investigation, gain CPR certification,  and do the repel wall, zip line and ropes courses at Outdoor Odyssey.

So, if you are free the week of July 25th - am I. I don't know what I will do!? I know I have to clean, maybe clean out that extra room and create that library I always wanted. Exercise. Clean my office at work. exercise, clean out clothes that don't fit, exercise, afternoon matinees, exercise.

Make a great dinner for when they come home, exercise.
Watch a lot of 24 reruns too!! exercise

Dinner with friends?!? So many things to do. exercise

I will miss them horribly, terribly, miserably...but I am so proud of what they will be doing.

call me!

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