Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week

My little second graders made their first confession yesterday, after I went. yuck. It's bad enough knowing your sins, then confessing them to the priest. It is supposed to make you feel better but I just feel worse afterwards.

When I was growing up, we were not allowed to watch TV during Holy Week unless it was a religious movie. Did you ever see the movie, "The Robe"? Well my siblings and I did. We were so desperate to watch TV, we found that in the TV Guide, got my mother's approval and sat through a terrible movie. Even as pre-teens, we knew it was a bad movie. But hey, it was TV, so we watched it.

We tried that one year. The kids and I watched the Greatest Story Ever Told and Jesus of Nazareth. The latter is wonderful. The scene where Peter realizes he has to leave his family to follow Jesus, very powerful. Kate cried. When he denies knowing Jesus, we all cried.

Another year, we tried saying the rosary every night curing Lent. That lasted about 2 weeks and by Holy Week we just said it 2x a week. Our intentions were good. I've been trying not to curse this week and I have already blown that. I'll keep trying.

What I am really looking forward to is the secular things we have planned this week. We are leaving around 2pm on Wednesday and going to my brother Matt's apartment in Queens. I want to go to "The Top of the Rock", "ESPN Zone" , "Mid-Town Comics" and a Borders or BN store. We have 2 days before we go out to the Island to see my parents, so there is lots of time to do fun stuff. Kate gets measured for her bride's maid gown on Saturday. Hey, maybe we will go to St. Patrick's Cathedral to say a prayer on Good Friday.

I will keep you posted on where we go and what we see. I'll say a decade of the rosary for you, will you say a prayer for me? I feel like I need them badly today.


Unknown said...

I am so happy that you can spend time in NYC with your brother! I wish I could go along! Have a great time and I will say prayers for you.

Cathy said...

I loved looking at your pictures and hope that the trip and time with your family was as fun as it looked.