Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Days :)

Okay-we have added two days onto the school year and have no Easter Break but I am trying to be optimistic. Stuck in the house with Jack and Kate has been....wonderful. I really enjoy their company and cheris every minute of this weird break. I can't really go into work, the roads are nasty. I only picked up TP today. I have been cooking ... lots, shoveling, doing laundry and dishes. When I am in the kitchen, I can hear them playing together and it is nice. We watched some movies, played Wii and also some board games. I also made them a fun breakfast today. No school again tomorrow. Gotta get my creative juices going for another fun day.

Maybe, if the roads aren't too bad, a road trip to Johnstown to see Percy Jackson? I am just glad I am getting paid tomorrow!

Kate is calling me for a game of Life.

1 comment:

cathy said...

What a fun way to spend the day! These would be perfect for the 4th of July! I'm picturing blueberries, strawberries and whip cream :)