Jack is reading Angels and Demons and it is wonderful watching him devour a book again. He has had it for less than week and is 1/2 done. Can't day the same for Kate and Eclipse but I can't blame her. We are enjoying Percy Jackson on CD. We listened to the 1st book before Christmas and 1/2 way through Sea of Monsters. We are really looking forward to seeing this movie. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Sylvester is adjusting well and gives Jack something to write about in his English journal. His grades have worried me. For any other kid, I would think they are great but they are not his best work and even his A's did not require much effort. I try to be rational and hope he gets it out of his system before it counts for grade 9 and his transcript. But I have to be a parent, so I have to lecture him somewhat. "Jack, this is not your best work and you have to figure out how to pull them up before the end of the 9 weeks." Then I let it go. This book helped with that http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=language+of+letting+go+melody+beattie&ved=0CCYQrQQwAg&cid=9268553629972483730&sa=title#p
Kate on the other hand, had the highest 4 sights in Math and Reading in her grade!!! The girl is on fire! I am proud of her efforts. She is a sweet girl with a good heart. Not one grade is below 94%! Most are 97% or above.
They are good kids, with good morals, character and parents. I can't ask for more than that. For that I am grateful in 2010.
On a fun note, we saw Avatar today and enjoyed it. They noted the similarities between Dances with Wolves, and other oppressed people. The 3D was neat and it was fun to get out of the house, even out of Berlin for a day!
Enjoy the last week of January and hopefully Spring is around the corner.
1 comment:
Love the update-- and good for Kate!
Keep cooking- If I were a kid, I'd be over visiting your house all the time :)
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