Monday, January 4, 2010

HAPPY 2010!

Eat healthier this year.

Fruit Salads

Green Salads

Sorry, It's been a month since I posted. Lots of fun times, scary times and life goes on. Snow days, 2hr delays and work...

We had a great Christmas and then a scare with my dad. He is stabilized now and back at home, being tortured by everyone with bland food and "take your medicine" Life is good.

My resolutions for this year, be more patient, eat healthier, be more understanding and kinder. Maybe even start exercising and definitely take my vitamins and trying to go green.

Hope the 2010 brings you much happiness and blessings.


cathy said...

mmm...all those fruits and veggies have me wanting to dive in! Looks great, and what a great resoultion. Although I'm not sure that I understand the whole being more kind and patient part. You are all those things and then some! :)

Maria said...

I'm that way with you. You make it so easy.

I am not always with the least not as much as I should be.