Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back Home and Random Thoughts

I really have not right to be down..but alas...I am. It was so nice spending that time with my family. Though it isn't reality. Staying there like that is fun but not real. I mean, if we lived there we wouldn't even see them that much. Do we appreciate it more because we only see them in chunks like that?

I want to know...why is it easier to do dishes at my mothers house than my own? is also easier to clean the bathroom, living room and to cook. It is crazy.

Though I enjoyed the kids when they were so little and helpless, I have to say this Summer goes down as one of the best. The older they get, the more fun we have doing stuff and going places.

Jack is almost as tall as me and Kate will NOT be able to fit into any of her capris or jeans...I fear.

Wow...7th and 8th grade...scares me.

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