I wish I could be happy, I just feel so melancholy. It could be many reasons, they are getting older, that's one.
I enjoyed the summer, immensely....almost more than any other to date...that's another.
This football is tough, Jack just hates it....I work my whole life around helping them be happy and to see him hate something so much and be so unhappy, pains me.
Sometimes I look at him and see my brother Steven. I thought of Steven a lot this summer. Partly because I befriended his friends on FB and partly because Jack turned 14 this summer, the same age that Steven was when he died. Also, Jack looks very much like Steven.
Steven's best friend, Mike Meier, named his son, now 14 Stephen...Here is what he said about on FB
: Steven was so outgoing and would go out of his way to help anyone there was no way he could not have a positive impact on the people around him. This is true for your whole family and it all started at home with your Mom and Dad. Everytime I was at your house it I felt like one of the family and thats not only because I too come from a big family. it was because of your Mom and Dad. Them and Beau's parents were my other parents. I could talk with them about anything. You know one of these days I might have to just stop out there at the ole house on shadetree lane and have a cup of coffee with them. :)
I think the last time I saw them both was at Eddie's graduation party and thats too long ago....
and this posting too...
Maria, I have to say this has been nice to talk to you I always knew you guys were going on with life because I always asked Matt how everyone one was doing. It's also nice to talk with others about that night, I never have really spoken to anyone about what happened that night and as Mary has said if you are ever on long island and want to talk just let me know I am sure we could get a bunch of the old group together for a night of drinks and memories.
I visit Steve's grave at least twice a year and have my quiet time with him.
His life and his passing have had a big roll in my life, I do know I changed that night..
and this
It should have NEVER EVER HAPPENED the reason was just so stupid. I still play softball out there at stosky (park) and struggle at times over what happened and being right there I remember how he and I were laughing and having a great time that night, planning what were were going to do that weekend.
He touched my life and I am better for having had him as such a great friend.
Thanks Mike for remembering my brother.