Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thoughts and pics and video

New York Times: Where all pretentious writers go.

Jack is camping this weekend with the scouts and Kate doesn't want to go to fun night. I am volunteering there so she is going. I don't think her friends are, so she wants to stay home and play the Wii. I am going to miss Jack so much it hurts. At least the weather will be nice. I hope the cell phone gets a signal up at Seph Mack.

Here is a video of birds hanging out on the air conditioner. Yes, I never took it out of the window!!

If you can get through the first part, its not too bad. Kate took it!

Also, some pictures from NY and daffodils in our yard!

Matt and the kids on the subway
Full size Spiderman at MidTown Comics

Naked Cowboy in Times Square


Cathy said...

Thanks for posting pictures! It's so wonderful to "see" what your adventures look like. New York is so interesting, isn't it? ...hilarious picture of the Naked Cowboy...haha

andrea johnson said...

Hahaha i'll have to dig out the pics me and Brianna took with the Naked Cowboy too...he is kind of cool yet such a creeper at the same time...

the bird thing is kind of weird..not gonna lie lol :)