Jack is camping this weekend and Kate was so adament about NOT going to our school's fun night....she wound up going over one of her best friend's homes and slept over night. I knew she was when she left me. She had a great time. It's only 7am and she isn't home yet.
Fun night was OK. The energy of my co-workers is catching. They were happy to be there so I put on my happy face and wound up enjoying the evening. I ran board games in the library. We played apples to apples, catch phrase, UNO. It was a good time. I feel I am a magnet for misfits some times. I had three border line asperger-like kids playing UNO which was a riot. Catch Phrase with someone without good vocab skills is interesting to say the least. "It's the thing you use when you want to ...you know do the thing" It was crazy. That was better than the kid who can't make a decision and just clicked through every word or the poor girl who couldn't say more than "when you are sad" for tears. I guess the good thing is they got to play the games in a place where no one made fun of that and enjoyed themselves. (They are making BBQ chicken at the VFW right now and it smells so good!!) I saw a group of mixed boys and girls playing apples to apples on their own and they were getting along, which was nice to see. They were 6th graders and that group traditionally doesn't always get along. I hate to label kids but that is Kate's class and I have seen them since Kindergarten, so I am not being mean, just honest.
I am feeling that pit in my stomach where I miss my kids. I think I am going back to sleep...ENJOY your day. The weather is to be beautiful.
wish we could hang out today...game night sounds fun but like draining for the end of the week, especially wihtout your own kids there...likeyou have to just make that decision to be "on" and its not so bad, but not exactly where you want to be either...
miss you
am LOVING wi-fi in my hiouse on my own computer :) :)
I bet annie. actually it wasn;t so bad. Hey, you have to read my previous blog. I have pics of the naked cowboy on it!
gotta love fun night-- at least we can wear comfy clothes and shoes :)
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