Oh my beautiful daughter is turning 12 tomorrow. She is such a joy. So kind, forgiving, loving. A snuggler, likes family game night, and always comes to me for a hug and kiss good night. She still likes to be tucked in.
She is growing up so fast. Her ears are pierced, she loves
She is giving, a leader, makes good choices and asks me questions about politics, relationships and making good moral decisions. She is artistic and becoming a good writer. She can handle a newspaper article, creative writing and poetry.
Don't get the wrong idea. Our relationship has its moments. I will be happy when she doesn't have to take a spelling test. She is not a good speller. We fight over that. She takes piano and does well but never practices. She loves sports and is so intense she will cry when she loses a soccer game.
She saved my life this little girl. When I looked at her at 3 weeks old and saw how precious she was. I prayed to God that she wouldn't be like me. That she would not marry an alcoholic that treated her badly and that she found someone to respect her and love her and cherish her and she would never settle for less than that. (I never thought I would)
At first, I went into therapy for her. I needed to fix myself for her. She needed a good example of a strong woman who cared enough for her kids that she wanted more for them.
Kate, I love you more than you will ever even know. Maybe when you have a beautiful daughter of your own.
they are great kids, Maria, and you're a great example for them.
Happy Birthday to Kate! What a fantastic young woman she is.
Wow- this post leaves me speechless. You are an amazing mom, so strong and yet so real. Jack and Kate reflect the amazing qualities you have both modeled and instilled in them. How fortnate you all are.
I hope the birthday weekend was wonderful, and filled with all things happy.
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