Monday, November 3, 2008


Report cards, election day and the oncoming Holidays.... I do love this month, almost as much as I love the change of leaves in October.

Kids got their report cards today and they both made high honors. Not to belittle my children, but sometimes I think our grading scale is inflated ....who gets a 4.1 in 7th grade?!?!? It's kind of ridiculous and while I'm proud of my kids I don't want them to get too high of an opinion of their abilities....keep them grounded. Does that sound too negative?? I hope not. They are smart kids.

Thank goodness the election will be over tomorrow. I just hope it isn't like 2000 and we still don't know who won 3 weeks later!

Most of all I love that this month is Thanksgiving. I have so very much to be thankful for. While I may wonder about our grading scale, my kids are in excellent hands. The teachers they have are dedicated, creative, caring, enthusiast people who push them to do their best, not just to be "good enough". There are many special people at Berlin that I am thankful are in our lives.

I do love seeing my family and seeing how happy my kids are around my wonderful siblings and parents. I am lucky that we all do get along pretty well. We enjoy spending time together and have fun family game nights. I hope my kids always enjoy getting together like this in the future.

The other great thing about this November is Nov 23...the 24 movie Redemption...It's been over a year! You can only re-watch season one and season 4..(my 2 favorites) so many times!!!


Maria said...

What the freak mom!! It's bad enough you humiliate me in front of my friends but now my internet friends!!?? You crossed the boundary line!!!!

Cathy said...


I totally understand what you mean about the election. I'm dying to see which candidate emerges victorious... I think I'll go vote early so I can take advantage of the Starbuck's free coffee promotion.

I'm sure you are a proud mamma tonight. Jack and Kate are such smarties.

I hope you are feeling better. My mom was so sick for the past couple of days. Whatever is going around must be bad.

Here's to some feeling better, a good election, and a fast approaching turkey day!


andrea johnson said...

Jack, don't talk to your mother that way...You are wicked smart and hardworking..but maybe not a wunderkind :) :)...

maria- I love you adn can't wait to see you!!! YAY 24 redemtion..have you seen the trailer..go to you tube...there are some surprises!!!

talk to you soon