Saturday, October 11, 2008


I know that term may not be politically correct but I LOVE this weather. Today was the best day and it's not even over yet.'s my 45th birthday...I said it and while I should be depressed...I can't because I have the two most awesome children and my family is great. I work with some really wonderful individuals who I count among my friends. Jack and Kate's teachers are incredible, caring people who are bringing out the best in my kids. Really I am such a lucky person.

My mom and dad sent me a card. One of the musical ones. This one played YMCA...which my dad and I danced to in 1979 at Mercy High School's Father Daughter dance. He remembered that and sent the card. I know... I'm lucky!
What a fantastic man he is!

My kids always feel they have to buy me something but last year and this year I said I just wanted a homemade card and to go out to dinner. This year I got homemade cards and I bought them Lego Batman for PS2 and some itunes. (Guess who asked for each item.)

Kate's card had a poem:

In October the tree's leaves turn red, yellow and orange.
Then they just brate (break) away and never come back
So when I grow up and fly away
I'll make sure aways (always) to come back on your birthday

She is awesome....that's all I can say....I'm lucky (I added her misspellings because it adds to the uniqueness of all that is Kate.)

Kate went with her friend to the movies for a few hours this afternoon and Jack and I went for a long walk in the afternoon sun. It was very invigorating, rejuvenating and enjoyable. Nice breeze, warm sun and wonderful company. He is a great son and is finishing his card up for me...I'll post that one too.

The night isn't over. We are going to do a family game night. I look forward to that.

Though I called this Indian Summer, I guess I should have called it...I'm lucky.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

You are such a special mom, and your children are so lucky to have you. I hope your birthday was perfect in every...although, it sounds like it was :)