Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Penguins Poem

Jack likes his English teacher and class. Thank goodness!! She is teaching them about the lovely prepositional phase. Here is a poem in a template that she gave them to fill in. They had to supply the animal and the prepositional phrases. How many can you find????

Last Night I dreamed of Penguins

Last Night I dreamed of Penguins

There were Penguins everywhere,

They were sliding on my roof,

They were pecking at my nose

They were paddling in the toilet,

They were tap dancing on my stomach.

They were swimming in the Olympics

They were playing in my yard

They were playing hockey in my living room

They were having a tea party under my bed

There were penguins, penguins, penguins

As far as I could see……

When I woke today, I noticed

There were eggs jammed in my Play Station 3.


andrea johnson said...

Okay its been a while but I spy with my little eye....9?

This poem had me laughing so so so very hard :) :) I love penguins !!!!

andrea johnson said...

I mean 10....

Cathy said...

Jack is such a creative one...I hope he never looses his imagination or fascination with the little things.