It was Open House tonight at our school. While I see my kids' teachers every day, my middle schooler wanted me to visit her classroom and see where she sits and play a strategy game. She still enjoys seeing her teachers and showing me around....for now.
Both kids helped out one of their favorite teachers with her little ones, so she could visit with parents. Jack dusted off his Thomas the Tank Trains for them and Kate had one of them giving her a hug and kiss by the end of the night.
Its weird to think of my kids as the "sitters" and/or mother's helper but they are growing so fast...while I grieve for the time when they were little and loved Thomas and Teletubbies and Sesame....I love the fine young people they are growing up to be.
ughhh, i love them so much and this blog and I wish they lived here and were MY helpers :) :)
you're making me cry...where are my babies???!?!??!?!?!?
You are the sweetest. How about those Giants! Seeing them win makes up for the Mets!! and at least the Yankees are worse than the Mets.
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