Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Noodle Making

Noodle Makers!
I love our little country church in Berlin. It is a supportive community and friendly. A recent death in the family and the support of people there makes me realize how lucky we are.

Today was noodle making day. In two weeks we will have our church picnic. There is ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, beans, and homemade noodles. So after mass today we made noodles for the dinner. It is so much fun and exemplifies, many hands make little work. Did Ben Franklin say that?

(I googled it and it was John Heywood, an English writer known for his plays, poems and proverbs 1497-1580)

One groups mixes the dough, another kneads it, then it gets dried and then rolled out several times with the pasta machine before the noodles are made with the machine. Here are some pictures from the happy working group. It was nice to have a mix of people, young kids, grandparents, parents. Just wonderful.

Come to our Picnic on Sunday September 5 in the afternoon for some really good home cooked food. One of these great kids may be waiting on you!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Day at the Beach

I don't think there is anything more relaxing than a day at the beach. Warm sun, cooling breeze, the squack of seagulls, the laughter of children. It all adds up to a perfect day.

This beach is the Connecticut side of the Long Island Sound. We took a passenger only ferry over to this tiny island and enjoyed the sand and surf and grilled our lunch. 

Here are some pictures from the day.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cake baking, Flowers and Graduation

The kids returned this weekend!! Wiser, stronger and prouder. in body, mind and spirit. Made closer bonds and friendships and saw through others' selfishness. Most of all, they believe they can accomplish anything. I think this comment sums it up, "Jack I am so proud of you." "Thanks mom, I am proud if myself." with an emphasis on the 'I'. 

I baked a cake for their return:
 (it is one of those cakes that is supposed to be shaped like a cupcake..I think I needed 2 different icings.)

My new brother-in-law brought me flowers. He is always telling me what a great mom I am!

Jack marching to get his diploma

Kate marching for her diploma

It was a very impressive ceremony. Berlin was very well represented.

Here is the whole class

Some close ups of my kids

and again

Me and the kids