Sunday, February 22, 2009

Family Visit

We had the best 4 days. Annie came to see us and we had a great time. We saw Twilight, Pink Panther 2 and made fun snacks, homemade pizza and watched a really funny comedian. Jack was laughing so hard, he almost couldn't breathe and Kate kept saying, "That's so true" and laughing! We talked and talked and talked and just enjoyed each others company. It was great. Hard to say good-bye today.

She is so easy to get along with and so fun. I hate that she is driving at night, though I know she can take care of herself.

Thanks for coming little sis and best aunt! we love you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Gotta Laugh

I was playing around with how to post pictures and found these on photo booth from my college reunion this summer and from this Christmas. Both times everyone was playing around on the Mac and laughing hysterically. There are over 40 photo booth pics on this computer. I just remembered how hard we laughed that weekend and at Christmas, and how good it feels to laugh like that.

Just need something to laugh about!!! I realized how good I felt on Saturday at the movies.
We saw Mall Cop this past weekend...I started laughing as soon as the title came up. It was so stupid and SOOOOO funny. At one point in the movie, he is depressed and pulls out a cassette tape (he doesn't get technology) and it plays.....Barry Manilow, Weekend in New England. I laughed so hard, I couldn't even hear the singing. It was so ridiculous. So funny. My stomach hurt from laughing. I love laughing like that.

I finished Breaking Dawn this past weekend and stayed up until 2am to do it. I was hoping for more of a fight at the end but it was suspenseful and I enjoy that. Jack laughs about it, "you hang up first, no you, no you go first." He said the girls at school are always debating who they would want to date, Jacob or Edward. Vampire or Were-wolf....I go with the were-wolf.

Jack continues to be funny and fun and is actually enjoying scouts since his "fight". He is working on his Citizenship in the World merit badge with his history teacher, who is a detail guy and Jack enjoys details and History, so it will actually be fun for him.

Kate gave a Joan of Arc report this week and by all reports gave a great presentation. Jack and I snuck here Joan of Arc book when she was working on something else....what an awesome young woman! Kate is but I mean Joan. I never really read her whole story before and I was very interesting. Kate just came down and kissed me goodnight. She is a sweet, sweet girl.

I haven't cooked anything good this week, except homemade mac and cheese on Monday. I'll have to make something fun this weekend. What should it be??? Any ideas???

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kindergarten Dinner

Tonight I made fries and terriyaki chicken nuggets and peas. Kate called it a Kindergarten dinner, because that is what I used to fix when she was in Kindergarten. You don't step it up one night and they call you on it. In my defense, I did make a salad, but they called me on the Good Season's packet and not homemade dressing. Tough crowd.

GOOD NEWS: Nick is good! Thanks for your prayers. Pathology reports are not back yet but it looks benign and the doctor's are optimistic for a full recovery. He is home now and doing well.

Kate is working diligently each night on a Newspaper for History class. It is due Thursday. It's only half done, I hope she gets it finished without too many tears. So far so good. Jack keeps giving her ideas for funny articles and she just rolls her eyes at him. He has had little homework the past two nights (but always has a bunch on the weekends!) and is working on a comic for the Middle School Paper and wrote a story for school. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

SPACE....The Final Frontier

Space...the Final Frontier. I am Jack Murphy, a Billionaire, who went on a journey through Space with Richard Garriott, Bo Bo the monkey, Donald Trump and Lee Majors. A few of our crewman featured Captain Kirk, Mr. Sulu, Scotty and a creepy man named Spock.
We were in our spaceship, The Excitement, and in a few hours we would be landing on Earth. Donald Trump was playing a game of checkers against Bo Bo the monkey and losing. Bo Bo took his last checker.
"You're Fired!" shouted Donald Trump.
Just then Richard Garriott walked into the room.
"We have to get some experiments done people," he said. "We haven't done any experiments for five days."
"Who made you the boss?" asked Lee Majors.
"Maybe," said Spock "We could try the Coriolis Effect."
Everyone in room stared at him in confusion.
"The Coriolis Effect is when a liquid rotates to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in Southern Hemisphere."
"So you want us to flush a toilet and see which way the water rotates?" I asked.
"Pretty much," Spock said.
"Awesome!" said Majors.
Everyone rushed into the bathroom.
"You know I never really thought about this before," Trump said to me.
"Me neither," I replied.
"Fire Scotty!" shouted Captain Kirk
"Aye Captain!" replied Scotty
Before I could see what would happen, Bo Bo jumped on my face and started screaming.
"My face, my beautiful face," I squealed.
Kirk tried to pull the monkey off of me but then Bo Bo jumped on his face too.
"Get your paws off me you dirty ape!"
Bo Bo went on a rampage and threw Donald Trump's immense wallet into the toilet clogging it up.
Nobody could see what happened when we flushed the toilet so we had to think of something else. We didn't have much time until we landed.
"We can see if a Fruit Rollup is really three feet," I suggested.
"Genius, pure genius," sobbed Majors.
Bo Bo started clapping.
"Scotty get a ruler, Sulu get a Fruit Rollup,” commanded Kirk.
Both came back with a ruler and Fruit Rollup. Garriott began measuring when Bo Bo lunged for the Fruit Rollup. Lee Majors saw what was going on and ran to tackle the monkey. He was able to jump in front of Bo Bo but instead of biting the Fruit Rollup, he bit Majors in the leg instead.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" screamed Lee Majors.
"Thanks Majors, you saved the experiment," said Garriott.
"Don't worry I'm fine," said Majors sarcastically.
"It's three feet!" exclaimed Scotty.
"Huzzah!" shouted Spock.
Everyone stared at him.
"We're landing!" shouted Sulu.
After that I never forgot the time I spent in Space.