Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Penguins Poem

Jack likes his English teacher and class. Thank goodness!! She is teaching them about the lovely prepositional phase. Here is a poem in a template that she gave them to fill in. They had to supply the animal and the prepositional phrases. How many can you find????

Last Night I dreamed of Penguins

Last Night I dreamed of Penguins

There were Penguins everywhere,

They were sliding on my roof,

They were pecking at my nose

They were paddling in the toilet,

They were tap dancing on my stomach.

They were swimming in the Olympics

They were playing in my yard

They were playing hockey in my living room

They were having a tea party under my bed

There were penguins, penguins, penguins

As far as I could see……

When I woke today, I noticed

There were eggs jammed in my Play Station 3.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Drunk Met Fan

At the Daily News website they had a link to a youtube video of a drunken met fan who passed out in his seat. People were having their pictures taken with him too. It was pretty funny
It was obviously more entertaining that watching the bull pen!

Hope you like it. I thought it was funny.


It was Open House tonight at our school. While I see my kids' teachers every day, my middle schooler wanted me to visit her classroom and see where she sits and play a strategy game. She still enjoys seeing her teachers and showing me around....for now.

Both kids helped out one of their favorite teachers with her little ones, so she could visit with parents. Jack dusted off his Thomas the Tank Trains for them and Kate had one of them giving her a hug and kiss by the end of the night.

Its weird to think of my kids as the "sitters" and/or mother's helper but they are growing so fast...while I grieve for the time when they were little and loved Thomas and Teletubbies and Sesame....I love the fine young people they are growing up to be.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I love the fact that my kids enjoy being kids and that I know 13 and 14 year olds that still enjoy collecting frogs in the grass and feeding them tepid water and crickets.

Recently my son found a wood frog on the soccer practice field. He was so excited and brought it home in his empty water bottle. He came home and fixed a home for it in his sister's hermit crab's cage (OK the crab died months ago...but hey, no one's perfect) He found moss and a plant for it to "nest" in.

What makes this story even better was watching him google the frog and find out what it would eat, and how it hibernates etc. His 7th grade science teacher is also willing to let junior high kids play "show and tell" and Jack brings it into school and all these kids are excited to see a 4cm wood frog in the classroom. The best was when Jack brought in crickets for the frogs...yes frogs, everyone who found one during the week added it to the little habitat. Nothing like gore for them to ooh and ahh over as the frogs bit the head off a cricket before devouring the whole thing.

In the age of xBox 360 and Nintendo Wii and Rock Band technology, it was just enjoyable seeing kids being kids and getting excited over a simple little frog..

It was also refreshing that my son was so excited about learning that he researched the wood frog and developed a power point to present to his teacher and peers, for the joy of learning....not for a grade.